End of Life and Comfort Care
Modern veterinary medicine has thankfully come a long ways, and, as a result, our pets are living longer and longer. However, the most difficult part of welcoming a pet into your life is the unavoidable fact that dogs and cats simply don’t live as long as we do. Inevitably, every pet parent comes to a point where they need to provide comfort care for their pets as they age and eventually face saying goodbye at the end of their pet’s life.

Comfort Care for Pets: When Is a Pet Ready for Palliative Care?
Unlike curative care and treatments that are intended to help a pet overcome illness, palliative care (also called comfort care) is a type of veterinary care intended to alleviate the symptoms of chronic illness and provide comfort to pets who have illnesses that cannot be cured.
Comfort care includes treatments designed to improve a chronically ill pet’s quality of life by helping to reduce their pain, mitigate other symptoms of illness, slow the progression of disease, maintain the pet’s appetite, manage bowel movements, and more. Comfort care is appropriate for a sick or aging pet as long as the dog or cat is able to maintain a good quality of life.
End of Life Care and Euthanasia
When a pet has a chronic disease or is nearing the end of their life, their condition can sometimes shift rapidly, resulting in a significant reduction in their comfort and quality of life. If a pet is suffering significantly, the time might be right to consider euthanasia which minimizes a pet’s suffering at the end of life and allows the pet to pass away peacefully.
Signs that a pet might be suffering or experiencing a significantly diminished quality of life include:
- Struggling to breathe
- Experiencing severe pain (panting, whimpering, or shivering)
- Loss of appetite
- Disinterest in play, snuggling, or interaction
- Withdrawing and isolating from the family

Our Caring Veterinary Team Is Here for You and Your Pet
At Akeso Veterinary Clinic, our team understands how difficult it can be to navigate the end of a pet’s life. If your pet is older or has been diagnosed with a chronic, terminal illness, we want you to know that we will be here to support and guide you and your pet every step of the way. If you have any questions regarding your pet’s treatments, care, symptoms, or condition, we welcome you to contact our office at any time.